This website is part of a project begun in 2016 out of a personal desire to obey Jesus’s command to Love His people [1 John 3:23], evidenced through serving material/physical needs, just as we see throughout the New Testament [based on the Old]. The Great Persecution of Christians had reached the hearts and minds of a lot of people in nearly every place on earth, Christian and non-Christian, causing all sorts of reactions. That wave of Persecution/Oppression shows no signs of abating.
Though our family for a couple of decades supported organizations that undertake the material care of Persecuted Christians, the crisis’s scale dwarfs the current combined resources of the “best and brightest” in every respect imaginable. We wanted to do more. Though searching for more ways to help provide the best immediate material aid directly to the victims and their immediate loved-ones we were frustrated. Despite many hours of searching we could find no one single non-sectarian unbiased resource or guide that provides enough information on the various Aid groups to facilitate immediate decisive action. And we’re well-acquainted and committed! What about those who are just wanting to help for the first time? We want to change the situation.
This site and our related other social media efforts, personal contacts, presentations, etc are all toward trying to make it easier and faster for Churches, individuals, and organizations primarily among the “Free” Western Churches, to ACT ON Jesus’s Commands.
We collect no money on this site and do not want to. We are non-sectarian and want to avoid denominational friction. Yes doctrine matters. Yes there have been terrible misdeeds by various denominations and traditions of every stripe. Yes the Church worldwide has many divisive issues confronting it, but none of this is an excuse to ignore Jesus’s Direct Command: “Love one another AS I HAVE loved You. ACT IN LOVE FIRST, chat about our differences later. As for we, at the level of the average parishioner or baptizee “little one” of Christ’s flock, we all in this cosmic struggle together for a brief time and MUST love one another. Enemies of Christ do not care what denomination their victims are, do they? Our purpose is to build Lifelines of material Hope from the Free Church to The Suffering Church.
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